About Sacred Temple Arts
Healing Arts Therapies Custom Designed Wellness & Intimate Arts Programs! Contact Sacha to create yours today!
“The best investment I ever made in myself in my life”. -satisfied program graduate
Wellness Coaching & Education
Cutting edge holistic wellness coaching and education to radically improve your overall health and wellbeing. Sacha has a Master’s degree in Health Arts & Sciences (Goddard College), and in her undergrad program (Lesley University) she majored in Holistic Studies. Additionally, she has been training and certifying (30+) in healing and wellness arts and therapies for 20+ years. Continuing to learn and expand in new techniques and healing modalities, for herself and others, is one of her greatest joys.
Virtual & In-Person
Visit her website to see individual pages on each modality!
Sit back, relax and receive healing distance energywork! Sacha is a natural Body Whisperer. An Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner, Reiki Master, and much more. Her intuitive healing abilities and skills are something to experience not only in-person, but also from the comfort of your own bed, too!
Essential Oils Consultations
Discover natural solutions to health and intimacy challenges, improving well-being, disinfecting, and so much more! Essential oils are one of Nature’s most powerful medicines. Sacha offers consultations and classes. As well as creates custom blends to help support clients with specific physical, emotional and intimate challenges.
Gem & Flower Essence Therapy
Includes custom designed flower and gem essence combinations with consultations, energy treatments and more. Sacha has been working with flower and gem essence remedies in a professional capacity creating custom blends to help support clients with specific physical, emotional and intimate challenges for nearly 20 years. Sacha has a number of specialty flower essence advanced practitioner sets including a (COVID focused) Wellness Set, A Pelvic Set (Sexual wellness focused), and a Love (Relationship focused) Set.
Meditation & Breathwork
Find the practice(s) that most contribute(s) to you. Sacha’s studied, trained and practiced in meditation and breathwork including Transcendental, Raja Yoga, Tantric, Expanded and Orgasmic Meditation. These sessions focus on getting you the practices that you will most enjoy so you may experience the immense benefits of a regular practice that truly works with and for you, and your body.
Intuitive Readings
Let’s play with various intuitive reading tools designed help you to develop your psychic awareness. We are all intuitive and psychic. This is a natural part of us. Sacha can help you explore and expand your special gifts and talents in these realms as well as provide practical tools to support you in your journey with. This includes how to have direct communication, facilitation and receiving skills in contact with the Spirit world.
(Spirit) Entity Education, Communication & Clearing
Life altering, giving and saving awareness, education and skills we all should have had throughout our lifetime. If you have wondered about and/or know you have issues with all and any kinds of spirits/entities, and/or a desire to communicate and commune with them more-whether it’s demon clearings and/or more connection with your Light Beings-and everything in between, Sacha can support and empower you in and with navigating the “spirit” realms.
Law of Attraction & Sex Magic
Learn how to create with methods that will help you actualize more of what you truly desire. So much of what is available in Law of Attraction teachings are missing key components. Find out what these are and how to pull energy like a tornado. As well as how to direct and play with your sexual energy for greater health, wellbeing, relationships, abundance and more.
Ancient and modern techniques to far greater vitality, intimacy and consciousness. Become a Master Lover. Why wait? At any age you can explore tantra, partnered or not. Sacha will share with you both White and Red Tantric techniques and teachings to empower your whole life, in addition to your sex life.
Intimacy Coaching & Education
Get cutting edge intimacy and relationship educations guaranteed to radically improve your sex & love life immediately, partnered or not. Sacha’s sexpert coaching will increase your erotic IQ, support you in healing, expanding and communicating intimately, and empower you to become the best lover you can be, to yourself and (an)other(s).
Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis Audio’s
Custom designed Erotic Hypnosis audio’s. More to come on this!
In-Person Only…
Intuitive Bodywork & Energywork
Sacha has mastery with many modalities. As well as a way of body whispering to get to the source of ones issues. And to awaken more consciousness and communion in and with your body.
Access Consciousness™ Bars & Body Processes™
Access Bars® can feel like hitting the delete button on your computer’s cluttered hard drive – only this time, you’re creating space in your brain. Things like negative thought patterns, or that endless mental chatter keeping you awake at night, can be released and make space for the calm you’ve been seeking. Access Consciousness® body processes are different energies that can facilitate a body to change and transform. These processes assist in renewing and reactivating your own capacities for healing and facilitate the body back into its original functions, which assist with the repairing and longevity of the body. The energies are the natural energies that bodies are and have access to from everywhere in the universe.
Unlimited Body™
Unlimited Body is a healing approach that views the body, not as an object made up of tissues, organs, bones, chemicals and hormones with a limited set of possibilities to maintain or to create health, but as permeated with the spirit substance that is endowed with the miraculous power that creates life and self-corrective health. Recognizing that the body comes fully equipped to heal itself, and that all of us have amazing untapped potential to achieve our dreams and desires; Unlimited Body uses the physical body as the pathway to healing and success. Using holistic, safe and natural techniques to address the complex issues of health is the gift of Unlimited Body. Our health is not effectively addressed by a series of diagnoses. We know intuitively that we are an integrated whole and that our issues must be understood from that perspective. Combining eastern and western wisdom with ancient and modern bodywork techniques, Unlimited Body effectively assists you with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems of modern life. You will learn how you can take charge of your life.
AromaTouch® Technique & Essential Oils
The AromaTouch Technique® is the application of essential oils in a specific pattern that creates deep relaxation. This technique combines the unique benefits of human touch with the power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience. The essential oils used in the AromaTouch Technique were chosen for their individual and combined aromatic properties.
Professional Cuddling
Cuddling provides mutually beneficial touch that many of us never received in the past or currently do not experience in the present. Much like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, professional therapeutic touch through cuddling is healing and transformative when it happens in a respectful and emotionally safe way.
Sacred Temple holistic healing arts and therapies sessions and programs are offered in-person and/or virtually. They are generally combined into custom Intimate Wellness & Healing Arts Therapies Programs or are interwoven into the Best Sex & Love Life programs. The holistic modalities listed on this page are offered in some cases as stand-alone sessions. In addressing the whole person: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, sexually, and energetically, different techniques serve certain purposes.
These healing arts and intimacy sessions and practices assist in awakening and experiencing more of your bodies natural vitality and healing abilities, as well as provide new education and coaching to create the intimacy you truly desire, partnered or not.
Each modality offers a unique restorative healing opportunity.
Business Information
Life Coaching, Other Businesses
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